Nokia and TOI Launch an App on the Ovi Store

Nokia and TOI Launch an App on the Ovi Store

Readers of The Times of India, one of the most popular in India, and subsequently the most widely read newspaper is now available on Nokia phones, the launch of the new courtesy of Times of India application on Nokia Ovi Store.

Times of India App are designed to give the traditional way of reading the daily of a major renovation. With the application on the phone, Nokia said it is possible to comfortably watch the latest developments regarding news around the world.

The application is available in both vertical and horizontal, and easily share on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and can be emailed or SMSed. Users can also integrate the book and drag gestures to any application. In addition, Nokia has allowed the application very useful, automatic flash automatically update news update without the user having to perform tasks in particular. This feature is very promising, as it reflects the dynamic nature of the news.

Times of India App application allows restoration discerning readers of different ages and localities. It covers the entire topics national, international, economic, political, sports, and much more. Its automatic update feature of Flash is capable of updating itself without user intervention.

Times of India App is free and can be downloaded on Ovi Store (


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