Make Microsoft Windows XP Automated CD - Totally Unattended

Make Microsoft Windows XP Automated CD - Totally Unattended

Many times we install Windows on your computer because it is corrupt and over again. And every time we install Windows dialog appears as many all hate to fill again and again and therefore users to sit in front of the computer until the installation is complete Windows. For this we can create the answer file for windows.

Using this tool, you can make the answer file so powerful that you can even the Windows to include or exclude individual components, set the display resolution, and more

Here's how you do it:
1.                  To begin with, insert your windows xp installation CD into the drive and copy the entire contents of the CD to a folder on your hard drive.
2.            Navigate to the Support>Tools folder on the CD and copy all the files to a folder on your hard disk.
3.            The crucial part begins now - creating the answer file. To execute the windows setup manager, double click the setupmgr.exe file from the contents of, which you just copied onto the hard drive. The next step explains the option you need to select from the first few dialog boxes that appear.
4.            The first few steps of the wizard are self-explanatory. Select the following options from the successive dialog boxes: Create new answer file; Windows unattended installation(select the appropriate windows version); Fully automated; No,this answer file will be used to install from CD; Finally, accept the license agreement.
5.            Under the general Settings, you can customize the installation of windows by providing the default name, display settings, time zone and the product key. Fill in the fields using the drop-down lists or by keying in the details. If you don't select an option from the drop-down lists, the default values will be used.
6.            Under Network Settings, configure the computer name, administrator password,networkingcomponents and workgroup. If you are specifying the adminstrator password, make sure you ckeck the option to encrypt the password in the answer file. If you have a static IP address, you can specify the settings under the networking components section.
7.            Use the advanced settings section only to configure telephony, browser and shell settings and installation folders. Under Browser and Shell settings, click the browser settings to set the home page and add Favorites. If you are on a network, you can also specify the proxy settings.
8.            After you are done, click Finish and save the answer file as " winnt.sif " when you are prompted. Advanced users can further tweak the answer file by referring to the Help file called Ref.chm in the same folder as the setup manager. Finally copy the answer file to the i386 folder in the windows xp installation folder you created in the beginning.

This information is from net personally I didn’t try……. Please take care yourself.


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